Antanas A. Budriūnas

In terms of style, one may locate the music of Antanas A. Budriūnas somewhere in between the Lithuanian constructivist tradition and conventional European modernism. The list of his works displays his special liking for instrumental chamber music. Clarity of thought and purity of expressive means stand out as most general characteristics of his music prominent in each particular composition.

Compositions of Klaipėda Composers - Antyphony, 1st movement

Compositions of Klaipėda Composers - Antyphony, 1st movement

Compositions of Klaipėda Composers-3 - Sketches

Compositions of Klaipėda Composers-3 - Sketches






Antanas A. Budriūnas (b.1964) studied composition with Prof. Julius Juzeliūnas at the Lithuanian Academy of Music, from which he graduated in 1990. He currently lives in Klaipėda, where he teaches composition and music theory at the Eduardas Balsys Gymnasium of Arts. In 1993 he was awarded 3rd prize for his song performed at "Dainų dainelė" ("Song of Songs") - the national children's song competition. From 1994 to 1999 he was chairman of the Young Musicians' Society in Klaipėda and organizer of the "Kopa" New Music Festival. In 1998 he went to Austria on a fellowship awarded by the institute "KulturKontakt Austria", and the same year participated in the 3rd "ein klang" Composers' Forum in Mittersill, Austria.

His works were featured in the programmes of the Youth Chamber Music Days in Druskininkai (1989), Youth Music Forum in Kiev (1994), 3rd "ein klang" Composers' Forum in Mittersill (Austria, 1998), and at the contemporary music festivals "Marių klavyrai" (1991, 1995), Klaipėda Music Spring (1993), "Kopa" (1994, 1996), and "Gaida" (2000). The portrait concert of his music was held in Vienna in 1998.

Clarity of thought and purity of expressive means stand out as most general characteristics of his music prominent in each particular composition. Quite a few of Antanas A. Budriūnas' colleagues in profession can learn his systematic way of thinking and consistency, which may account for the smallness of his creative output. In terms of style, one may locate the music of Antanas A. Budriūnas somewhere in between the Lithuanian constructivist tradition (taken over from his teacher) and conventional European modernism. The list of his works displays his special liking for instrumental music in chamber combinations. "I cannot say that I don't like poetry but instrumental music seems to correspond better with my natural inclination to abstract thinking", says the composer of his preference.

Work title/Composer/Instrumentation





Work title/



No./Work title/Composer
