#15 The Creative and Cultural Impact of Mindaugas Urbaitis

Composers On Air welcomes Mindaugas Urbaitis. This special guest is a monumental influencer in the historical evolution of contemporary music. Not only a composer, Urbaitis is an important figure in the  Lithuanian cultural landscape with a broad spectrum of contributions in the field of music education, musicology, theater, film, opera, ballet and broadcasting. He is a co-founder of Modus, a radio show and now a podcast with Šarūnas Nakas with over 600 episodes.

Compositions by Mindaugas Urbaitis: Schlußstück from the album Lithuanian New Music Year 1998 (Music Information Centre, 1999), Judita Leitaitė (soprano), Vygantas Šilinskas (trombone), Danielius Rubinas (double bass), Pavelas Giunteris (percussion), Ramūnas Kaučikas (percussion), Chordos String Quatet, Conductor Mindaugas Piečaitis; Lithuanian Folk Music from the album A Baltic Collection (Finlandia Records, 2000), Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, conductor – Juha Kangas; Der Fall Wagner from the album Vėl. Lithuanian Chamber Music 1991-2001 (Guild, 2004), Carsten Hustedt (flute), Ingrida Armonaitė (violin), Audronė Pšibilskienė (viola); Lacrimosa from the album Psalmos. Lithuanian Sacred Contemporary Music (Vilnius Recording Studio, 1998), conductor – Modestas Pitrėnas; Quartetto per archi from the album Love Song and Farewell (Vilnius Recording Studio, 1998), Vilnius Quartet: Audronė Vainiūnaitė (1st violin), Petras Kunca (2nd violin), Girdutis Jakaitis (viola), Augustinas Vasiliauskas (cello); Salve (2017), Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre Symphony Orchestra, conductor – Gintaras Rinkevičius, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, 2019; Arrest and First Investigation. Fräulein Bürstner from the ballet The Trial (Creative Industries, 2022), Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre symphony orchestra, conductor – Modestas Barkauskas; Stillness from the album M.K.Čiurlionis 125 (Bomba Records, 2000), Sonata Deveikytė-Zubovienė (piano), Vilnius String Quartet; The Book of Jerusalem of the North from the album Zoom in 2: New Music from Lithuania (Music Information Centre Lithuania, 2003), Edgaras Montvidas-Prudkauskas (tenor), Aleksandras Štarkas (violin), men's group of the chamber choir Aidija, Saulius Astrauskas, Zenonas Bagavičius, Vladislovas Šeibakas (percussion), Liudmila Adomavičiūtė (celesta); Strolling Over the Groves and Fields from the album Aidija. Lithuanian Choir Music (Aidija, 2009), chamber choir Aidija, conductor – Romualdas Gražinis.

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